Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A gloomy day..

Hi, My name is Chrissie for those who don't know me, and I am a senior in Elementary Education. I live with my 3 month old kitty and am trying to get through the next year as quickly as possible. But nothing seems to be making it go any faster.

Today has been about as boring as ever. The sky's are grey and the rain is starting. I had my art class today, it was basically the worst since the first day excitement wise. We were given the assignment to find out about a specific person and then make them an award based on their interests. I ended up making a box with homemade paper flowers in it that did turn out quite cool, and with stars shooting out and a little puppy picture. It was kinda lame but oh well.. at least its over. We ended up having to go to the front of the class and took our pictures as we went up and explained the symbolism.. kinda lame I'll admit. 

I'm trying to decide if I should go home again this weekend. I drove the three hours home last weekend to see my parents and my brother who's birthday was last week. I'm trying to decide because when I stay here I have absolutely nothing to do. It seems as though all the people who were my friends left this past year and whenever I am here I am always alone.. :/ So it might be worth my time to drive the way back home to see my boyfriend who was lucky enough to graduate this past semester.

I've decided I have WAYY too many hobbies. I need something to keep me busy. I should be doing things like homework and studying but I can't seem to get myself to do it. I have been teaching myself piano, reading about 6 different fiction books, writing one myself, painting, drawing, video editing, and other things that escape me off the top of my head. My main problem is which one should I do now? 

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